Secular Institutes in the Magisterium of the Church
- Provida Mater Ecclesia (2 febbraio 1947) | PIO XII (
- Primo feliciter (12 marzo 1948) | PIO XII (
- Cumsanctissimus.pdf (
- Perfectae caritatis (
- The Institutes of Consecrated Life and the Societies of Apostolic Life (Can. 710-730), Code of Canon Law (
The Magisterium of the Popes
Paolo VI
- At the 1st International Conference of Secular Institutes (26 September 1970) | Paul VI (
- At the Congress of the World Conference of Secular Institutes (28 August 2000) | John Paul II (
- presenza_viva_1976.pdf (
Giovanni Paolo II
Benedetto XVI
Papa Francesco
Laity and Church